August 2020 Newsletter

Guidelines for Sanctuary Worship: July 2020

Guidelines for Sanctuary Worship
July 2020
As you have heard, we will return to using our sanctuary for Sunday morning worship effective July 19, 2020. We will continue to monitor information and instructions from our local and state agencies and will adjust these procedures as necessary.
1. Most worshipers should enter by the main doors on Commerce Street only. An exception will be made for weather days, when the portico doors will also be available. Ushers will hold or prop these doors open, removing the necessity for you to touch the door handles. Those needing handicapped access or childcare should always enter by the portico door.
2. Seating will be limited to every other pew to provide vertical social distancing. Family units should practice horizontal social distancing on individual pews. Ushers will be on hand to suggest wider horizontal spacing when needed.
3. Once you enter the building, please move as far forward in the building as possible to be seated. In other words, please fill the sanctuary from front to back in order to avoid too much cross traffic. Worshipers are encouraged to greet one another warmly but avoid shaking hands or hugging.
4. When leaving the building, those seated in the front section of the church will be encouraged to leave by the portico door. Those seated in the rear section of the church will be encouraged to leave by the main entrance.
5. Bulletins will not be distributed. When needed, printed information will be printed and placed on the pews ahead of time. Offering plates will not be passed. An offering drop-off station will be available. Numerous hand sanitizer stations will be available in and around the sanctuary.
6. Please use the vestibule restrooms only and restrict usage to one person at a time. Vigorous hand washing is expected.
7. Childcare will be available for ages birth-4 years behind the sanctuary in the large room formerly known as the “Welcome Room.” Only one parent should accompany the child to the check-in station. Child temperatures will be checked via IR Thermometers. Families using childcare should enter by the portico door.

When Will It Happen and What Will It Look Like?

April 22, 2020

When Will It Happen and What Will It Look Like?


I think we are all agreed on this point—we can’t wait until we can worship again as a congregation, physically, together, in one place, in our church!


So, when will that happen and what will it look like? As I told you recently during one of the streaming sermons, your leadership is already thinking about those very questions! To keep you informed, let me share with you a summary of our discussions. Do keep in mind that what follows below is our best thinking for the moment and guesses made without any real information from federal or state agencies.


  1. Timing—I don’t see us getting back in our building before June 7th. We have had no word about an official end to social distancing policies, and even if we had that word today, I think many of us would want to be very careful about rushing back into close quarters. I wouldn’t mind being wrong about the date, but please know that your safety is very important to us!


  1. Online Services—We recognize that many of you may prefer to stick with online services for a while before you come back into the building, particularly if you are 70 or older. We are absolutely fine with that. We want you to know that we will continue to provide streaming services every Sunday morning and Wednesday evening. We also know that many of you prefer to use a video service other than Facebook Live, so we are exploring the purchase of equipment that will allow us to provide the same quality video through YouTube and our church website. For those of you who are home-bound or live at some distance from our church, please know that we have also made the decision to continue to offer video services in some form from now on. Even if things get much better in terms of social distancing, we don’t want to leave you without a connection to First Baptist Church.


  1. Distancing—Once we come back into the building, we will probably still be under some form of social distancing order. We plan to have seating in every other pew with family units spacing 6 feet apart from each other on the pew. That will essentially cut our seating in half. For that reason, we will likely offer two Sunday morning services for a time. The schedule will be something like a first service at 9am and a second service at 10:30am. The services will be identical in format.


  1. Other services—We will likely not resume Wednesday evening Family Dinners and Children’s and Youth activities until August (we normally pause those activities during the summer anyway). We will not have a traditional Vacation Bible School this year. If conditions permit, we would like to have some short-term VBS-type children’s experiences later in the summer. We are still waiting to hear from WIRED about how their summer program will change.


  1. Some simple changes—We still want to have greeters once we restart services in the building, but obviously they will not shake your hands! We will not pass the plate for offerings; offerings can be given when you leave the building. Until we move past mobile devices and Facebook Live as a way of broadcasting our services, we will ask everyone in attendance to put their phones on AIRPLANE MODE so the number of phones in the room do not cause the recording devices to lag!


  1. What we’re still working on—Given that we will likely still be under some kind of social distancing policy when we come back into the building, we will not resume our traditional Sunday School program immediately. We are working on an alternative that will work for you regardless of which service you plan to attend.


A final note—the latest report I have received is that you have been faithful in your giving! Many of you have simply mailed your tithes and offerings to the church, and many of you have chosen the online giving option. In either case, the point is that you have been faithful! Thank you for that!


Dr. Ed Scott

March 2020 Newsletter

February 2020 Newsletter

January 2020 Newsletter

December 2019 Newsletter

September 2019 Newsletter

August 2019 Newsletter

Newsletter August 2019

July 2019 Newsletter